Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Life's A Bitch, But You Still Wanna Do Her Again

Bosses pissing you off? You work hard on your wages or salary and get nothing extra for it? Life getting you down? Well I have the perfect gift for you! No I don't. Life is going to continuously screw you doggy style until it makes you squeal like little pig getting ready for the slaughter. What can you do to fix it? Nothing. Life is that broken vase that can't be replaced. No matter how much glue you use to put it back together, it still begins to crumble at the weight. What's the point of it all? No point. Life will continue to sleep with your best friends and take money out of your wallet at the end of the night. If life was a pimp, it would've bitch slapped you by now. Life is a whore you can't live without. You can sleep around on life but you always go back to it, because, life sucks! It sucks giant King Kong dick!

You turn on the news and all you see is somebody else's life is fucked over. Life has claimed another victim for jail. Where's life now? It's the soap waiting for you to pick up in the jail shower. And it fucks you over again!
So enjoy the bitch we call life. She's waiting behind you.

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