Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Why are the quickest money earning schemes so illegal?

Selling drugs seem to be the quick easy way to get money. Sure the customers become addicted to your merchandise and will keep coming, but they begin to be a little crazy with knives when they want more.

Robbing stores are another way. Besides being shot and caught and anal raped in prison, I don't see anything negative things.

Hooking. If you like having sex a lot then this would be perfect. Just have to worry about undercover cops and "clients" who have the A-Z of STDs on them.

Milk Money Scheme. I don't know how popular this method is nowadays, but my friend tried it and got some money and ended up doing it wrong and lost it. This method is I think legal but kind of weird. Their will always be a top person and hundreds of people at the bottom reaching to the top. The more people you have below you, the more money you would make. And all it is just giving money away. At least 50 or whatever that system requires. Once you get the money, you keep a part of it and give the rest to the person above you. And that person does the same thing to the person above him until it reaches the top person in that system. That top person could have hundreds of people under him giving him money. He becomes a millionaire every week! But I'm sure that's illegal.

A honest hard working job. Whatever.

Porn Star. Kind of fits in with the hooker. The only diff is people pay to watch you. I don't know.

Bum. Sure, just sit on a street with a sign, make sure it has plenty of misspelling to make it more desperate and be mute. Cutting off your leg is dedication and claiming you are a war vet is pure gold.

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