I think people will eventually screw themselves in the end. People think that the Internet is everything but as soon as everybody uses it, it will crash and everybody will be lost.
Take Netflix for instance. That has to be the most laziest way to rent a movie. For crying out loud, are you that lazy to get off your ass and go to the video store or does the postman have to deliver it to you.
Groceries Online. Damn it people, get off your fat asses and walk to the grocery store and buy it damn it!
iTunes. Do people even know what a CD is anymore? Go to Best Buy or something and help the artist. I use iTunes to listen before I buy but I would I always like to have the CD cover and extra stuff.
Downloading movies. Once again lazy asses don't want to leave their Chocolate Chip Ice Cream so they just sit in front of their computer getting fatter waiting for their movie to download.
Blogging. I think blogging is a good way to vent frustrations like these.
The future will be your downfall, it won't be mine.