Thursday, December 22, 2005

A New York Christmas

Transit workers on strike and hookers in Manhatten trying to earn a dollar for a crack pipe for their kids, Merry Christmas is an unfortunate time in some places. Let's think of others before you spend that grand on a person that already knows you care.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Guest Speaker: My Brother That I Never New I Had

Hello. I guess I'm the brother of the sick bastard. Well I'm not really familiar with blogging but I would like to talk about something I saw today.

The 1000th person has been executed today. It makes you wonder how many of those people killed were actually innocent and how the real killers have killed again. As you can tell I'm against the death penalty. For people that are for the death penalty, I suggest that you watch The Life of David Gale. It's an amazing movie that will change the way you think.