Monday, August 21, 2006

You Internet Whore You!

In my opinion I think people are getting too Internet friendly. People are living their lives only by the Internet.

1)Buying food online and having it delivered.

2)Buying music online so they don't have to even get up.

3)Renting movies online or downloading them.

4)Blogging about their lives, (I only use the Internet for that)

5)Planning trips using the Internet

Before you know it people are going to have the Internet wipe their own ass for them so they don't even have to get out of bed. That's why America is getting fatter because we want everything easy and fast. Can I get a amen! I'm just waiting for hookers to use the Internet instead of walking the streets. The day a hooker uses a computer to pick up people will be the day I give up on life as I know it.

Come on people. Drop the mouse and get a life before all you see is your ninth double chin whenever you look down. This is your life America. Are you lovin' it?

1 comment:

Amy said...

Mmmmm. Yummy.